How to manage sky rocketing energy prices & keep your net zero targets on track

Sky rocketing energy prices are putting massive pressure on businesses. But what can you do to ease your financial pain, whilst also making sure your net zero targets are being met?

It’s almost impossible to predict the wholesale price of gas and electricity at the minute, but one thing that is easy to predict is that the volatile energy market is set to continue for the foreseeable future, which is seeing many businesses increasing their costs which is having a direct impact on their customers.  This means that organisations need to find a better and smarter way of manging their energy consumption to reduce both their carbon footprint and their energy bills and avoid their customers fitting the bill.

Rising energy prices

The savviest companies understand that sustainable energy solutions can be leveraged for both carbon and cost advantage. They’re able to exploit opportunities to achieve cost savings, energy efficiency, generate revenues from asset flexibility, enhance their green brand reputation and build operational resilience.

When you taken action on sustainable energy management you will also be one step ahead of the increasing carbon taxes and environmental regulation, such as the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures/

Did you know that from April 2022 legislation makes it mandatory for larger firms to disclose their climate related financial information and any opportunities and risk that climate change could bring? To make sure you’re prepared, the very first step is to make sure you have your net zero strategy in place.

There are so many routes you can take to cost effective decarbonisation but at Thermatic Energy Services we tend to advise customers and companies we’re talking to, to follow a simple and effective three step journey – cut, convert, and complete.

Cut energy demand –Reducing energy waste and reducing energy demand through energy efficiency measures, is a crucial first step. There are so many rapid payback technologies available which lead

Applying a smart energy monitoring platform such as our energy management platform gives you complete visibility of site-wide energy consumption.

Convert your infrastructure to support renewable energy

The next step is to combine heat and power using low carbon technologies, such as solar pv, air source heat pumps and battery storage. Rising energy costs are strengthening the case for investment.

Battery energy storage systems for example can unlock new flexibility revenues via demand side response, whilst additionally providing a green back-up power supply in the event of a power outage. Generating and storing your own cheaper solar power can also reduce the cost of shifting to electric heat pumps or installing electric vehicle charging points.

The last stage (complete), is where you can purchase green energy or use Renewable Power Purchase Agreements to decarbonise your remaining carbon emissions associated with your energy usage.

No time to wait

With rising energy prices and a turbulent market, doing nothing and praying for the best will only increase your financial pain in the long term. Now is the time to act get in touch now: 0161 543 4131 or drop us an email: